Christina Pingry, Director
Cowley County Council on Aging
700 Gary Street, Suite C
Winfield, KS 67156
TOLL FREE Number: 877-491-3984
Winfield Tele: 620-221-7020
FAX: 620-221-4938
Web site: cowleycountycouncilonaging.com
E-mail: cccadirector@gmail.com
Friendship Meals:
The following locations in Cowley County provide Friendship Meals on site. You will need to call 24 hours ahead and make a reservation.
- Arkansas City, 320 South A, (620) 441-4419
- Arkansas City, 305 E. Windsor Rd, (620) 442-0121
(Windsor Court) - Winfield, 700 Gary, Suite D, (620) 221-2451
(in same building as County Council on Aging office)
Some meetings may be cancelled or changed if the normal meeting date falls on, or close to, a holiday. Check the calendar to be sure.
Cowley County Council on Aging
3rd Tuesday of each month, 1:30pm
700 Gary Street, Winfield, KS
Cowley County Networking Meetings
3rd Thursday of the month, at 10:00 am, via Zoom meeting, contact Linda Chase for a link: cccadirector@gmail.com
Meets on the lower level of the Physicians Pavilion,
1230 East 6th, Winfield, KS 67156