Jessica Lee, Director
Elk County Council on Aging
124 North Main
Moline, KS 67353
Tele: 620-647-6334
Tele (Public Transportation): 620-647-6335
E-mail: ecca2010@hotmail.com
Friendship Meals:
The following locations in Elk County provide Friendship Meals on site. You will need to call 24 hours ahead and make a reservation.
- Howard, 148 N. Wabash, (620) 374-2200
Some meetings may be cancelled or changed if the normal meeting date falls on, or close to, a holiday. Check the calendar to be sure.
Elk County Council on Aging
4th Thursday, odd months, 10:00 a.m. (Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, Nov). Call the office for location (620-647-6334).
Kansas Legal Services
held on various dates at the senior center in various communities within the county. Please check the calendar for dates and towns. Anyone in the county wanting an appointment that day may call in advance for a specific time.
Coordinated Transit District #10 (Elk, Chatauqua, Montgomery, Woodson, Wilson, Allen, Neosho, Labette, Bourbon, Crawford and Cherokee Counties.)
Times and places change. To get on the mailing list contact: Randy Trotter, Chairperson, 620-515-3399
Elk County Service Providers
have been cancelled since COVID happened and have not yet restarted. Discussion on current and future issues for the aging population. Contact: Jessica Lee – Transportation Liason.