Terry D. Bolte, Director
McPherson County Council on Aging
P.O. Box 557
926 N. Main St.-Suite B
McPherson, KS 67460
Tel: 620-241-4383
FAX: 620-241-4304
E-mail: tbolte57mcca@att.net
Friendship Meals:
The following locations in McPherson County provide Friendship Meals on site. You will need to call 24 hours ahead and make a reservation.
- Lindsborg, 116 S. Main St., (785) 227-3983
Some meetings may be cancelled or changed if the normal meeting date falls on, or close to, a holiday. Check the calendar to be sure.
McPherson County Council on Aging
McPherson County Council on Aging, Inc. meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. No meeting is held in June or December each year.
Meetings are hosted at a different senior center each month and 2 meetings are hosted at the McPherson County Council on Aging office.