Kandace Bonnesen, Director
Reno County Aging Services
120 W Avenue B
Hutchinson, Kansas 67501
620-694 -2910
FAX: 694-2767
E-mail: kandace.bonnesen@renocountyks.gov
Friendship Meals:
The following locations in Reno County provide Friendship Meals on site. You will need to call 24 hours ahead and make a reservation.
- Hutchinson, 700 N. Walnut, (620) 663-7491
Some meetings may be cancelled or changed if the normal meeting date falls on, or close to, a holiday. Check the calendar to be sure.
Reno County Council on Aging
3rd Tuesday of odd months, 1:30pm
Reno County Dept. of Aging
120 West Ave B
Hutchinson, KS 67501
Reno County Coalition on Aging
1st Thursday, bimonthly, even months (February, April, June, August, October, December)
Trade Center
1600 N. Lorraine
Hutchinson, KS