Alice Prester, Executive Director
Rice County Council on Aging
114 East Ave North
Lyons, KS 67512
Tele: 620-257-5153
FAX: 620-257-5154
Email: alicercca@gmail.com
Website: www.ricecountycouncilonaging.com
Friendship Meals:
The following locations in Rice County provide Friendship Meals on site. You will need to call 24 hours ahead and make a reservation.
- Lyons, 215 S. Bell, (620) 257-3968
- Sterling, 220 N. Third, (620) 278-3280
We have a Lunch Bunch program which offers free rides to and from the Lyons meal site, using “Quivira Transit” described below.
Public Transportation:
in Rice County is “Quivira Transit”. In-county and out-of-county transportation, please call the Rice County Council on Aging for price information about transportation at 620-257-5153. We are a Medicaid-approved transportation provider. When you call your provider for a ride, you can request the Rice County Council on Aging for your transportation.
Meetings and Special Service Days:
Some meetings may be cancelled or changed if the normal meeting date falls on, or close to, a holiday. Check the calendar to be sure.
Kansas Legal Services
Monthly, Call ahead for an appt., limited appointments on the third Wednesday of each month between 9:30 and 12:00
Rice County Council on Aging Office,
114 East Ave North, Lyons
Rice County Council on Aging – Board Meetings
3rd Thursday, January through June and August through November. 9:30 a.m.
First Presbyterian Church, 221 S. Pioneer, Lyons
Rice County Aging Network
Call the office for the day and time – TBD
Rice County Council on Aging Office
114 East Ave North, Lyons
For more about Rice County, see:
You Can Help Provide Services
Rice County Council on Aging is a 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions made to us are tax deductible. Contact us for information.